Tuesday, December 30


The day after Christmas I woke up early and went on a shopping trip with some friends. We were in search of some good bargains. Found a few, but not many. David and the girls stayed home and started taking down the Christmas decorations. When I got home a little after lunch, the girls were begging to go mud riding on the 4-wheeler. So around 3:00 we got dressed in some old clothes and headed out to the fields. David grabs his gun and said,"I just know we are going to see a deer." I thought "Yeah, as excited as Bailey and Payton are, you really think they are going to be quiet enough to see a deer." At around almost dark we pulled into a little spot and about 2 minutes of sitting there, we see a deer, and it just happened to be Bambi. She was looking straight at us, so of course David couldn't wait for the "big one" to come out, cause the girls were a little tired of being quiet!! It was a fun ride home with an extra passenger. But we sure are going to have some good meals in the weeks to come.

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