Saturday, April 25

Meredith Mae Keith

A new baby for the family!! David's sister Janelle and John welcomed Meredith into this world on Tuesday, April 21st. She weight 7 pounds and 11 ounces and 191/2 inches long. We took supper to them last night and spent some time with that sweet baby. Big Sister Annalyn was more interested in feeding Uncle D french fries than showing off her little sister. Payton wanted to go to the Mooreville baseball game with Mason so she didn't get to see her, I know I will have to go back. (That will be so hard) Seeing Janelle with her new baby reminded me of when Bailey was born and Janelle stopped by here every afternoon on her way home from school to come and see Bailey. With Meredith being cousin #8---it is hard to believe that Bailey was the first born. Congrats John and Janelle and Annalyn--we love you!!

1 comment:

ashmhendrix said...

Oh, how cute! Babies are completely precious, and they grow up entirely too fast!
Tell Bailey and Payton I said hey! :)
love you!