Tuesday, August 25

Back to School

Where did the summer go???? Bailey and Payton started back to school the first of August, I think they both were kinda ready, but they just wouldn't admit it. Payton is is first grade, we are so excited that she got Jennie Beth Creely (she was Lee County teacher of the year last year). She is already reading faster than they can send books home. Let's just hope she continues to be that excited about reading. We have signed her up for the swim team this year and is ready for soccer to begin. Bailey started the middle school this year---OH MY GOODNESS!!! She has grown up toooooo fast. She was kinda nervous about starting and I wanted to walk her in and I don't think she was really wanting me to. So when we got to her room, she was ready for me to leave. She is really enjoying this year, and has classes with alot of her friends. She is already back in gymnastics, having cheer practice and will start tennis in a couple of weeks. It looks like we are in for a very busy school year: But we wouldn't have it any other way!!!

Tuesday, August 11

Smith Lake

What a great week to end our vacation week. We went to Smith Lake to spend the weekend with Keith, Molly, Macy and Charlie. The kids loved riding the inner tube and jumping off the big rock. David thought he was in high school once again and tried everything on the water--the wake board, skiing on one and even jumping off the rock!! I went back almost twenty years and got up on water skis. I could even get out of the bed the next morning. It took me four times to get up but I did it!!


The sand between your toes, the sound of the waves and the sun beaming down!!! What fun!! Our family beach trip this year was so much fun. We loaded up with 12 of us going to Gulf Shores, mostly Gillentine's and Mamaw Di. We stayed in a condo that had a water slide and lazy river in it. The kids didn't want to leave the pool, of course the men enjoyed it just as much as they did. The weather was great and we enjoyed some pretty fun beach time also. One night we went to the beach hunting crabs, but mostly got wet. We have decided that next year can not come soon enough.