Monday, March 2

A Snow Surprise!!!

What a great way to wake up Sunday morning--SNOW!! SNOW!! SNOW!! The girls popped right up out of the bed and bundled up for a morning of FUN!! Church was cancelled so we met up with some friends and off to the hill we went. We hooked the sled to the 4-wheelers and had so much fun. The bigger kids put a car hood to the back of the 4-wheeler and were a little braver. (We all laughed and said only in Mississippi can you see a car hood being used as a sled while trying to avoid the fire ant beds in a field of snow) After about 2 hours of playing in the snow, the girls feet were in need of some thawing out. We headed back home and made some hot chocolate and popcorn and the girls pilled up and watched High School Musical 3.

1 comment:

ashmhendrix said...

Oh how much fun was the snow?!! I love 4wheelers and car hoods! :) Speaking of High School Musical 3...I still have yet to see it!