Thursday, October 2

Busy! Busy! Busy!

It's that time of year, AGAIN!! The busy schedule of two girls involved in extra activites. Payton has started soccer on Tuesday and Thursday. She is going to be a great player. She likes the idea of going after something and trying to get it without someone telling her she has to share. Right up her game plan. Bailey has started cheering for the 5th and 6th grade football team at Mooreville. She cheers on Thursday and Saturday. This is right up her game plan, being loud and showing off. Even though life seems very busy right now, we are enjoying seeing Bailey and Payton enjoy what they love doing. I hope you enjoy a few captured moments of their recent games.

1 comment:

ashmhendrix said...

This thrills my heart and soul! :) They are precious girls, but you know that. Can't wait to see them!