Thursday, November 27

Memories of Turkey Day

The girls woke up early this morning excited that it was Turkey Day. Growing up I can remember every year my grandfather "Pappy", calling bright and early and reminding us to get up and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. So my girls were in full swing to watch the parade. As they are getting ready for the parade to begin, David and I are preparing our family Thanksgiving meal, around 5:00 my house will be full with around 25 people. My mom and Aunt San prepared our Thanksgiving meal for years. They would stay up all night, ALL night-- and have a great meal prepared around 11:30 each Thanksgiving. A couple of years ago, my cousins and I decided it was time for us to take over the duties of cooking Thanksgiving dinner after Aunt San fell in the kitchen while taking the dressing out of the oven. So this is my year. We are having supper instead of dinner, since my newlywed brother is in Jackson with his new family; for lunch and will arrive here around 5:00. Looking forward to a great night.

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